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A July Thursday at Kulay Diwa
July 31, 2003

This Thursday talk was a memorable one for me as I was heartened by the small group we had. I was late, arriving at 5 pm with a debate already going on. Jonathan Castro, an artist, who was giving out invitations for his Boston show was on the hot seat. He was adamant about the aesthetics of his invitation wherein he omitted pictures of his work and titled it as 'Collectibles' -- a misnomer. To each his own "diba?" Yet one still would like to be aware of costs and right information even in invitation details. Its quite conflicting to be quite purist on concept alone. It developed to a lighthearted discussion for a time but was redirected to a much important one when everyone settled down. We really are blessed to have gatherings and discussions yet we should all take advantage of this bounty to the fullest. It really is not permanent. We must all be strive to be stable independently as soon as we can as we have a growing responsibility to ourselves and to the community we belong to. Let us take care of our art as our art would take also care of us.

Kulay Diwa Galleries located at 25 Lopez Village, Lopez Ave., Sucat, ParaƱaque City is steadily flourishing in the able hands of Bobi V. and Bobbit Nolasco. We are all recipients of this great venture in the arts. This day though it was a talk that encouraged the youngest to just be resourceful with our learning, interaction and habits as we all would be potentials. The corporeal question of our existence, other pursuit and process of our fellow artists were topics too. Foremost in mind would be the role of conceptuals amidst the contemporary reality.

The complex search of chromatic expression guided by frenetic frenzy explains most of this artist's academic and theoretical interest. Yet one cannot simply throw away the simple nuances of being human or humane, for that matter, as one becomes when an artist shares his own experiences and pursuits. Validity and contribution stood at end with humanity and inspiration as we try to describe and bring to life Jojo Lofranco at Kulay Diwa Galleries.

Why is man such a variance animal of deficiency and complications yet at one leap could be a success?

One wonders as you find yourself in this unique and surprisingly enlightening talk on what should an artist hold fast to grow and understand in this ever undemocratic yet humane profession. Where weeding out mediocrity in art is essential to survive and finesse a requisite to expound on and that when mystic and myth are taken down from most established artists the more it hounds them still. Where Art means humanized genius at work in uplifting one’s state of being and art simply a career. And being rooted to one's patriotic pride in this case being a Filipino would be a longer road to success.

One finds dramatics a tool essential to expressiveness particularly in defending the one's bum life. But when one is successful it is held as an esthetical success. For this case though, the truth sets one free.

We found ourselves particular about comparisons as we further delved in the coincidences of similarities and found answers and excuses on validity and integrity. Further more, sincerity of vision becomes integral only when accompanied by consistency.

Why is the Filipino's concept of a gallery in extreme from the notion of a Filipino artist?

When we look at the majority of Filipino artists falling in line with the generic aesthetics of the mundane we accept this as a phase every one could learn from so that most are willing to wallow on this likely popular perception for most of one's career life in the arts. Few move beyond and perhaps liking the opulence and illusions of fame they bring, influence others some more. Then we legitimize such excesses without responsibility and educated validity. A gallery is a venue and nothing more than the people behind it or the vision they bring--- be they artist , curator, writer, critic or gallery owner.

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

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Benign Art
December 2, 2002

I was privileged enough to be at Kulay Diwa Galleries located at 25 Lopez Village, Lopez Ave., Sucat, ParaƱaque City on this last Thursday of November, 2002. We started with an informal group consisting of Marc Cosico, Michael Adrao, Don Salubayba, Noel 'Nookie' Cuizon, Kiko Escora, Adeline Ooi, Peachy Jubon, Chris of NCCA, Bernard of UST, Jezz Genotiva, Jojo, Karen Flores of NCCA, Claire Uy , Bobbit Nolasco, Bobi Valenzuela and this writer. It was one of those afternoon talks that surprisingly stretched to a late night round-robin discussion as we delved deeper on the particular set-up of contemporary art. This afternoon habit had become a regular fare of sharing and exchanging ideas and it was quite awesome to be included among this particular highly dynamic group.

With a well-versed moderator, much topics ranging through history and contemporary movements were collated between the Philippines and Malaysia. Noel Cuizon or Nookie as most call him, has visited Malaysia on one of his rare sojourns and had anecdotes and insights about Malaysian artists and being an artist, too, had a much deeper perspective. Adeline Ooi, a Malaysian researcher and assistant curator, started with inputs on the different perspectives and the nuances Malaysians have on their art and on themselves. I grew a bit uneasy to know how awkward it was for artists to improve on their own. They have to contend with different beliefs even among themselves. As a nation, Malaysians are strong in government, language, culture and religion. The European and Western concept of arts was never really absorbed fully with the rich traditions of crafts and culture of Malaysia. One question came and argued to mind as yet another flattering yet unrealistic comparison became obvious between Philippine and Malaysian arts. Isn't this apparent disparity a kind of success that is ideal for an Asian country to have and maintain? Even for a young nation trying to create its own niche in the context of contemporary world art? I feel puzzled with Adeline Ooi's and Noel Cuizon's conclusions as to the irrelevance or is it indifference in Malaysia's explorations? A hierarchy among the established artists and the younger ones was explained and that was predominant even in the National Museum of Malaysia. Yet these lacking qualities.? If they are then they should and would breed reactionary actions among the sedentary people right.? I am now at a loss. Yet, I think there should be a reassessment and reintegration of younger artist to the Malaysian art as an answer to this vacuum. With the growing perception of global symmetry in the arts one could only marvel at this potentials. Yes, the validity of foreign learned teachers turned artists is questionable yet contemporary intrusions among Malaysian artists young or old, teachers or not, could reshape very much for a beautiful Malaysia culture.

It is sad that one's concept of success are always assumed by estimation with other countries'. I agree with perhaps the lackluster appreciation of the earlier amalgamations and pretensions yet the challenges should still be offered to excel. Malaysian contemporary arts could grow still without or with these failures.

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

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The Role of the Painter Artists
December 6, 2002

The Socio-Political activities of the group "Salingpusa' and the Neo Socio-Political representations locally and abroad of the group 'Sanggawa" 1989- 1995 maintained the influx of socio-patriotic sentiments. For new groups and affiliations led by young artists from different institutions around Manila it opened a new perspective.

A sense of dynamism and an imminent need for consideration and acceptance for young artists grew amidst the acceptance of these same established artists from Hiraya Gallery led by stalwart curator, Bobi Valenzuela. With the initial successes of young artists of Ang Delatang Pinoy, Yes the Filipino Can! at the Main Gallery and the Discovery Series at the Mezzanine of the Hiraya Gallery collaborations and interests grew among peers and artists alike. Beginnings of groups and affiliations strengthened. Acceptance cemented it and consideration and common respect bonded it fully.

With the recognition and acknowledgement, initiatives of combining divergent and dynamic sentiments amidst a series of travelling shows and artists talks around Manila institutions garnered favorable intentions in 1996. Jorge B. Vargas Museum with help from another curator, Dr. Brenda Fajardo opened its venue for discussions and preparations of shows of this magnitude and purpose. The different artists' orientations and discipline prove a different inclination, though. The organization tried to consider the multi - diversity of influence. A representational albeit common sentiments grew. A need for popular and copious understanding that would try to link conceptual inclinations and regalism, socio-political sentiments and representation and popular esthetics and symbolisms powered by a new sense of individual empowerment encompassed the groups and individuals involved.

Groups like Ugat-Lahi, the defunct Makiling's Beinteng Umaaray, UP groups, UST groups, UE individuals, St. Scholastica Fine Art students and other individual artists all helped to bring this to fruition. "Mula Filibustero Hanggang kay Marimar" opened in different schools and institutions to warm appreciation. It led to further group shows like the "Xprints" and "Reprints" initiated by collaborations between Studio 1 and Jorge B. Vargas Museum and the traveling exhibit "Banderitas" spearheaded by Ugat-Lahi.

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

*** visit me at

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Reinventing Yourself
November 30, 2002.

We sometimes need the change to reinvent ourselves to an image that is totally new. Yet a lot of us disdain these stages of growth as unnatural and even with contemptuousness. Yet how could we consider ourselves evolving if one limits these changes that affect and effect us all.

I was with Don Salubayba and Michael Adrao at Rufus, located at Makati, checking out the evening menu of Tapsilog (tasteless! Ughh! A Tapa with sauce WF**K! Which I mistakenly ordered again!) and that Mike has been raving about for the whole time I hitched rides (whose complaining? Thanks again, Mike!). When talk started on personality quirks, character change and downright arrogance of some artists without them really being aware of it. I really had an inkling, though, as I could read some emotions from Don's face or it was likely he was regretting his Tapsilog, too. I was in for a surprise or Mike was literally, on eating his great Porkchop with garlic rice, which I should have ordered come to think of it, as Don Salubayba went for the jugular of the problem and which happened to be me. Me? Good old me. I was offended. Me? He did comment on Adelaide Ooi as added ammunition which unsettled me a bit as fleeting white skin flashed before my eyes. What a great brain and I wasn't looking! For the record. It was on some pissed comment she had on me and a general comparisons which literally had me fuming ( Great! Don Salubayba knows how to play this game, too, regretfully.) and which really took me by surprise. I adamantly refuse to consider since I hold her as a breathe of fresh air but I saw that Don wasn't budging from his stance I decided two could play this game. But that's another story that I'll remedy as soon as I can.

As it was still early about 8:00 pm and we all were unwinding from a day at setting up at Kulay Diwa, I effected some outrageous disbelief of some sorts and denying the outrageous comment. Better kill the rumor while it was still fresh. But true to form of missionistic vigilance which I could only admire as I tried to lower my ticking eyebrow, Don launched his ammunition which thankfully I had intended really for him to be irritated about. Not that his hostility and caustic remarks, slightly covered up, of course, were not obvious too, for the whole two weeks we've been forced to bump to each other. But I really intended my comment to reach particular ears when I casually commented to Leslie de Chavez my comment of the lack of great individual shows of late. A simple phrase could create great havoc. Sorry Leslie ! But this time you were a harbinger of unwanted news. Promise not to do it again. I did ask you not to tell. That was before Recent Works 2 at Kulay Diwa. I received what I assumed was miffed expression from Leslie and getting him to reconsider and reconsider some more of his priorities at that time but the reaction was quite more surprisingly from Don who I believe has great temper maybe to rival my own but I don't think so. I guess he was currently musing about his personal stand on my opinionated comment in general. Was I hinting on his shows.? Considering he is having his second one man show at Kulay Diwa. I think it is a great show but I'm not telling him as still I have work to do. Talk about pressure. Hahahahaha ! Small details are quite fun to play with but not always at the expense of good friends. But lets consider that we all are ideally and potentially are good artists and challenges coming from unexpected quarters are good litmus tests of vigilance and priorities. I was apologetic but secretly laughing because I know Don would be repeating my comment and sending other artists into a riotous anger, despite our long talk lasting till midnight as we continued to the Salubayba's residence at Makati amidst vicious dogs B1 and B2 to which Mike was keeping eyes on throughout the illuminating conversations. Kulay Diwa has brought changes and for the better. All seems a bit prepared to risk bloopers in grammar just to get messages across. Admirable! Talk of change. Great studio though and great cabinet for your works as I was really turning green with envy at a new addition to Don's space. Ha! I can carpenter some imitation of it as soon as I can. Sorry I'm digressing, lets go back to the comments that hopefully not aimed at me and bad as to be cruel since I could not always charge to bill of good character reference, harmless front and unassuming history even with my amiable personality. It was what I believe and intended would be a more direct tension of competition and self-analysis. Bobi V., I hope you'll be reading this as I'm afraid I did turn up a Frankenstein. Back to Don again and despite his grudging acceptance through his nose of my deepest apologies. I know he doesn't believe one bit or is still at end with the Tapsilog. He settled down while giving some murderous glances at me and the Tapsilog on his plate and at me again which I docilely avoided to meet while musing could I ask Mike if he would exchange food with me? Great! My appetite was gone! Keep up a bit of pretense. I guess he was getting to the point and that my comment that could be taken for a lot of negative things in generally and most against me was really not malicious in nature and that I understand them and seem formally contrite. Mike as a good old friend defended me and quite tactfully did all my convincing amidst his chewing of porkchop that kept me attentive and covetous of the piece of fat fried in deep oil. How did they get that golden color? But Alas! I discovered too, that I should be more careful as my character regression has also suffered me some shame and a bit of regret but hopefully I could remedy that and convince them of my good will and intentions when I bring out my series of paintings. Hehehehehe! Bobi V. you wait and see as I still have to document them. Ahh! Such arrogance and confidence! I really hope I don't fall flat on my face as it is quite uncomfortable. To think that we all will be something to contend with, of course Don and hopefully Mike & Leslie would be leading the front. A good front it is as I seem a bit jealous of their talent and opportunities to come but who is counting? Hmmmmm! To wait is like eternity on hold and I know and I'm sure it will be ready. This I owe myself the knowledge and respect more than the facile rewards we all will be tempted one way or another. Now if I can get a certain breathe of fresh air in my direction it would be all accounted for. Wishful thinking! I do not want to consciously be that competitive nor others to perceive me as another competitor. To confide and be trusting. Hehehehe! I want to be approachable for my other plans, even if confrontational and goals which I would hold for a later piece. Trust is earned and I hope I would again or maybe not. Life is such a challenge and is doubled when it has you hook, line and sinker.
Hint : I'm starting to build again my network and hopefully it would last the lifetime.

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

*** visit me at

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