The Philippine Visual Arts

October 11, 2002

Is there a place for ethics and decency in the Philippine Visual Arts?

Both ethics and decency reflect proper manner or norm. Yet we could hardly establish what is ‘norm’ in our society. What the majority does and agrees upon is basically normal. Yet simply put in does limit its parameters. What we term ‘right’ offers another difference. It connotes simply what is humane for all involved. Now we apply it to the ethics and decency amidst us and we define it as the proper manner, actions, state of mind that embody what is right and humane for what the whole community requires and would require. In a community it is the balance met and will be met that projects the manner of Philippine arts.

Is there a place for the young artists?

Young people had for a time been inspirational for most of the developments in the Philippines today. Their contributions had marked and been monumental in most of the changes. It had been quite revolutionary in the Philippine context. Well, mostly for the scholarly and academically inclined couturier.

A lot of paper trails and write ups has created and recreated itself on this development alone. In our culture where young minds have broken the bonds and established their own amidst established and commercial artists is development and accomplishment in itself--- their beliefs, principles, sentiments and their own outlook of what the Philippine art stands for are there for everyone to hear, see and embody aesthetically.
Quite noticeable in headlines of newspapers are the young personalities in Philippine media, Philippine politics and Philippine showbiz. This is hardly surprising as much of the young people have been targeted as consumers and political allies in much of the decision making around the world. A large percentage of the Philippine population are these young citizens who are slowly and definitely steering and changing the direction and thrust of the country’s art scene. Integrity is another matter though.

What are the contributions of these young people to the Philippine Arts?

First let us state what is a meaningful contribution and what is not. A contribution to Philippine art is a singular challenge, direction or advancement brought on by a particular, a group of individuals or an institution to advance and promote what is essentially representative of Philippine arts, culture and tradition governed by discipline, originality, aesthetics and creativity.

The art scene has definitely a fresh input of ideas for the Arts and their thrust has surprisingly projected a lot of interest and eyes to this lateral dynamism . It has generated acknowledgement for concepts packaged in new wrappings and new commerce in most who venture. Revival, rebirth and birth of new spaces has added another perspective. Well-versed academicians had for themselves a new string of topics to exhaust their parched pens and had markedly made their own marks in institutions around. New names projected themselves and the public embraced them quite naturally. Angst was the forte of the youth, some talented and realistic enough to make use or understand them. Yet the birthing pains for direction has eluded most and instead made other sacrifices expendable. Discipline, thrust, concerns, principles and professionalism were at ends with creativity and empowerment. Like the great song sang by a mediocre talent, the right notes ring untrue and melodies become monotonous. It has both its potentials to failure or success. In the Arts it is at the crossroad that we come to crossover for all concerned.

What is not a contribution?

An effect that is only self-serving to a particular, a group of individuals or an institution. It is also illusionary and ephemeral to most of its audiences and unsatisfactory or detrimental to the promotion of Philippine arts. Lately, it has been a wild run for one’s own paper trail that is set-back by ambitious academicians and attachés who take advantage of fad and fame.

Priorities seem to materialize as one matures enough to understand the many intricacies of life and develop their goals and aspirations. This is by constantly realigning yourself in the ever-chaotic turmoil of everyday decision-making and making each choice count for what is right and not for what makes one only happy. It has quite a sobering affect like a dunk in icy water. What am I? A messianic go between?

Potentials like talent grows to be nurtured and nourished in trust. Potential artists are that are neither famous nor significant yet are numerous. They constitute the norm and embody the traits to be aspiring and perhaps be a more worthy generation. The young artists without the stifling eyes of parasites.

The visibility of the young artists in the arts has been much on the minds of a lot of those expecting another phase in the Philippines art scene. The ever-younger generation or people of the arts are geared, dressed up and expected to fill in the void. Here we should take in consideration that when these young people embody their own vision of empowerment they should lead to the development and the continuation of what history has provided us for the Philippine arts. Young people’s generation tend to negate, create, debunk, saturate, proliferate and recreate the history we inherit in no order at all. They have the options to null or project the advancements that were once established. A personal vendetta turned materialistic instead of complementing and nourishing for the aesthetic norm would be detrimental. It’s a simple balance to what is right, ethical and decent.

Major art contributions may still remain fads or gimmicks of the age that as soon as is seen soaring would plummet back after the novelties wore off. Thus we remain only reactionary in every stage that we cross and here we all could lose. We remain as the rebels of the other cause and never lateral visionaries and latent makers. Never the persons of worth we ought to be in practice. We should be aware of our history and particularly where we start.

We have to visualize the idea and definition of the young artists to mean a person regardless of age or practice with potentials and vision to improve the Philippine arts to its full extent while striving to improve a worthy self to embody them. Redefining perceptions of the players is only one small step to rediscover our path. Creating appreciation, support, integrity and venues would propel the arts amidst it global brothers or a better future for Philippine arts.

It takes sacrifices for those ahead to open paths for others to chart on. And it would take some decisive action now!

Lately, hearing a group of young people speak of their accomplishments and expectations brings out a melancholy that we could have done better. Yet what contributions we have still remain and to what end these new generation brings it would be an individual’s choice made hopefully with ethics and decency.

Am I that curious ?

I wish I could just say ‘Nah!’ and forget about it. Let us just be accountable for our actions now for a start…

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

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