A Wishful Ondoy


Filipinos are willing to help but we also like to point fingers so there is never anything done but always someone to blame. We are always suspicious of the person beside us or the one in the position we helped out. They call us the smiling people but in our hearts we never always meant it. The nearest scapegoat for every ail is the next person beside us. Now we are faced with the onslaught of typhoon Ondoy. What we normally see every few years happening in and around the country might be occurring every rainy season because of our neglect as individuals. For a change we can't point all fingers at the government for this calamity.

Ever heard of catch basins? Same thing happens to Boracay now every rainy season-- natural formation of water traps (small dams) on irregular terrains equals gradual floods or in this case flashfloods once they are removed... When we develop too much for subdivisions these are leveled or filled up. Add to it deforestations of mountains and hills, concrete roads and garbage landfills of any depression or pockets of land will cause yearly flashflood. Flashfloods are here to stay Filipinos!

Where are all the politicking now? Bad taste right? Unless you are hardcore. Everyone in the Philippines is affected. For future progress we can create parks, ponds, manmade lakes and plant trees on denuded mountains. We can create better manmade tributaries, drainages and working grates!!! Filipinos create our own ghosts or 'aswang'. We have built the actors, actresses, politician, policeman, mayor, rich people, mmda, president, senator, congressmen, barangay captains and tanod so big that we are now paranoid or in the extreme enamored… Maybe they are all right or in this case they are wrong but that doesn't leave us without any guilt or reposibility. Our small wrongs effect and create big disasters like removing that tree or plot of land at the back for the garage to house a brand new car or an extension to the house for the office. Planning a house on the mountainside might be a good idea if there is only one or two but if there is a whole community think again? A whole stretch of farmland is contributing to feed the nation but neglecting it and selling it to the subdivision developer, resort owner, golf course developer, mall corporation isn’t contributing to avoid floods in the Philippines. We have also placed numerous obstacles in our paths. There is no accountability and too much time on bickering.

I wonder who grew the first janitor fish or african catfish, piranha hybrid, arowanna or snakehead, the first red apple snail, or threw chemicals out in the drain? I wonder who first left candy wrappers or cigarette butts on the pavement? I wonder would we ever run out of plastic bags? I wonder who let loose the first dog or cat on the streets? I wonder who killed off the endemic plants as weeds or propagated ornamental plants instead. Threw petroleum on the backyard, taken in medical toxin as ukay-ukay. It always starts with small things, small gestures, innocent motives. Nature has a way of equalizing still and lets hope we get over the bigger ones first before it cascades. I still want a leader who works, manages and worries over the people not one who sleeps well at night because they are popular. I want one who can act first and not one to point any fingers first before acting.

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

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