After Ondoy and the Hundred Years of Ignorance

10 02 2009

Filipinos love misery. Perhaps because of the teachings of the Church on suffering in this life to achieve a better afterlife that we wallow in depressive atmosphere. Perhaps we yearn for more drama in life. Perhaps that is why we are passionate about Massacre films, Mexican and Korean telenovelas, Reality shows and lately Korean telenovelas spoofs. We hold our protagonists so elevated that we revere in them godliness. We want the protagonist to win and all the other characters to suffer in their greed. We have the fixation that only the actor or actress should succeed and become unreachable and the other cast members to be dumbfounded in the end and suffer hell. We rarely have a happy ending for all. We make the grandest gestures to ensure futility and depression in most. We only give it to the very few and condemn the lot. Prolonging tragic emotions to ensure the highest ratings has always served its purpose that heaven is always like a camel passing through a needle's head. I wondered if that is why Christianity became so rooted and was able to almost eradicate paganism, relegate Islam to the outskirts and keep off Buddhism, Protestantism and Hinduism to very small percentages in the Philippines. Is it why America is always a land of promise for most Filipinos because you needed to cross a vast amount of water and Japan a second choice because it is closer? A swim would make us wearier to reach it too right? Is it also why we always seek foreign interventions in all matters even weather forecasting, how to shit and superstitions? Because a bigger situation might result from unattended problems we always leave it off? Is it why we kiss the soles of people who dole out a pittance of their wealth and ridicule one who offers a day of service. Is it why we are never satisfied with what we have and covetous of the next person. Heroic proportions to those who are fair and wealthy but work for the ordinary looking. Sigh. For one who has nothing to one's name service and even paid labor is a heroic gesture of choice and the highest tribute but for one who has always been wealthy money is always a thimbleful to spare.

It is almost eight long days since the start of one of the worst ordeals in Philippine history--- Ondoy typhoon and flooding last September 26, 2009. It killed hundreds of Filipinos and affected lives of millions in central Luzon and every country in its path . It will be an annual occurrence and one we should not accept without a fight. I am wondering how great cities fell. Was it by flooding, earthquake, tsunami comes to mind but I am guessing it is the plague that came from it afterwards when none took stand to lift a finger to clean, heal and rebuild their country. Over a thousand people died in Indonesia because of the earthquake and tsunami even as I write this article. How can one help? To pick up that piece of stone and put it in order. A stone atop another stone figuratively. More threatening now is the sickness of helpless people losing hope and wallowing in pity. The divisiveness of insecurity, profiteering, greed and anger. Anger might be an outlet but it would only help if it moves a mountain, build another dam, manmade tributaries, plant more trees among precious prime land in the country. The businessmen would be up in arms and the individuals louder for the hard work and money spent.

This deluge will be one predicted in years to be a catalyst for change. Filipinos will never again take for granted a typhoon or sleep as comfortably nor keep their prized possessions within reach of threat by murky waters. Ignorance is bliss for many Filipinos but it takes its own price in the end with no qualms.

Flood zoning laws have been in effect since Americans planned Manila and its outlying provinces in the early 1900's. Because of necessity to control seasonal flooding and provide ample water supply that flood gates and dams like Angat were created. Reclaimed land also poses threats without any natural breakwaters or solid foundations. The population were made aware that catastrophic events might cause dangers to the population who might live there through the years. People forget through time but the threat never leaves. Water tributaries were defined and enforced years before through law that remained open. That any structures built should be built on stilts, solid ground and on elevations higher than normally built on non prone areas. The City of Paris was our model then but again through years planning was changed for greed, convenience and profit. Through technological innovations we might have created more structures that control regular flooding. Through almost a hundred years, Filipinos forgot or chose to forget this reminder. It has always been a warning but not heeded because of bad management, money and sometimes necessity.

So we blame the government for a hundred years of ignorance in the end because it didn't prevent structures like squatters moving to the cities, trash being thrown in canals, tributaries, lakes and rivers or around the streets and neighborhoods. It is good that we could always have the last accusation pointed at our government. It feels unarguably proper that we are never to blame ourselves and not accountable to the trash we threw years ago or the trees that we cut or let cut.

Now I ask if small things like pilfering of medicine or goods would not affect the people in hospitals now. Driving speculation to play with people's fears. We condone some of it I am sure. Ask any of the nurses, aides, doctors and pharmacists we now have if they are transparent with the going ons in their own hospitals then am sure one could find corrupt practices predominant. There has been rampant neglect and greed continuously done by individuals that compromise everyone's health. Expired medicine reused, fake medicines substituted for originals have been in the news before and left almost unattended for years. Overpriced and speculated ones have created inconvenience to everyone. The Filipinos are learning fast to go with the tide of dubiousness. I hear there is rampant stealing of medicines from unsuspecting patients. Creating signed orders and receipts in private and public hospitals done by staff and ordinary nurses to pilfer and profit from them. This is misery in its highest form in life sacrificed and health compromised.

It is not democracy crying in the streets but anarchy if lawlessness and discontent festers in the dismal Filipino lives. Of course the government is accountable to these growing businesses. Who teaches our children what is right or wrong. Its always the government we set as big bad wolf. Lesser evils are just human nature. Perhaps the government is wrong in emphasizing calamity funds for ordinary people who have always complained of paying the tax. Perhaps they are also wrong in letting charitable institutions help out individuals without commending and complementing fully the government's efforts. Let us face it, hungry and scared people would kowtow the sublime impressions around them. Feeding off on desperation and anger. Taken advantage again by politics and rightists ideals gone awry. Thinking they are always in the wrong while taking advantage of the next person the next second because they have more than he has. Where are now those who offered this exodus of people the brighter promise of the city in marching in the streets and asking for dole outs? Dignity comes last with a dying Filipino.

One could not disprove the zealousness of Filipinos on their own for understanding and hunger to do the proper by his family. But we sacrifice patriotism and love for our country if we don't initiate cleaning up our garbage in our backyard, streets, neighborhood, town, city, province and country. Maybe we could look beyond after to help fellows abroad too and not expect the bag lady, war veteran, relatives in consanguinity you could number your fingers with, bride order daughter living in America or in any part of the world to send money. Christmas season has started in the Philippines and the guilt reason to blackmail has multiplied a thousand fold for some in desperation. If we stay inactive we will all lose. Start by cleaning up ourselves but spare energy to clean up our neglect. Physical garbage has been clogging our streets to this day still. It is hard to ignore. After we have wallowed in pity we might stand and pick up the trash in front of us and dispose of it properly. Might we wash the street adjacent to ours and not leave it for the sweepers to do it. Might we remove the stains of mud ourselves rather than leave it for another to hand us dole outs to wipe our asses with. Maybe if the weather clears we can wait another hundred years to move in the right direction. Maybe this time we could do it right.

*** A Disclosure for My Blogs

My Humble Apologies to Everyone.

I wish I had the patience to edit and reedit my writings / paint and repaint works.     I know I missed a lot of errors.     I tend to drag, digress, compromise, and be emotional about accounts.     A typical OCD.     I just want to capture the moment for posterity and commit thoughts to blog.     Staring at a blank piece of paper, I just want to make my marks.     I enjoy writing and will continue until the end.     I enjoy editing and repainting.     Live life fully.     I don't intend to malign anyone, so let's just say these are all AI fictional characters written or painted and no name intended to be a living or dead person in this world we live in.   All creations in this private world are mine and mine alone.   lol ...  

Amiel Gerald A. Roldan™
Mandaluyong City, Philippines

#35-D P. Oliveros St., Barangka Ibaba,
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
(63) 09493258682 

*** visit me at ChatGPT-4

and my blogs: roldan.html

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