
Showing posts from August, 2008

Earning my Php in the Philippines

I've started to think seriously on how one could earn your millions before you end up in retirement pension... Considering most have income asides from the permanent job that they have stayed for sometime... Over qualified and underpaid positions that one would don't think about vacating. It is hard work applying for another same position and we do get older. There are lower salaries always offered to newer graduates with no experience even if they are college graduates... That is the power of discrimination in the Philippines. If I stayed in a job for the next six months then I would have the tenure and regularization benefits... I would have my health benefits by that time and apply for my dependents in a year as a single... Have my free dental and if I have a perfect SAF then I could keep this income indefinitely. Performance comes second only to Availability in my job requirements. A word of caution to new applicants... Less than 6 months experience doesn't hold water f